Thursday, March 8, 2012


That's the name of the one other person, well besides Ryan, that I regularly talk to about this whole fucking mess, and, while yeah, he's pretty god damn nuts, he's given good advice so far....

I should really reach out to others like him, I've left a couple encouraging posts on Bondie's blog, who is the guy that M befriended a few months back, but Manic is out of his damn mind, He's hoping to experiment on the Hallowed, to see if he could free them, or understand them... honestly it's over my head by about a hundred damn miles.....

Well if you were following my Twitter feed, then you know the police now suspect Ryan of being at least partially involved in the murders, and more damning, my family's disappearance... I don't believe it, it's not him really....

Ryan and I met in a public place a few hours ago and talked, It pretty much went like this.

R: "Hey look I know you got allot of shit on your plate, but another coworker was found dead today, that's 7, over half our department is dead now"

P: "Who was it time time."

R: "Paula Winfield......"

P: "Damn....."

We had drinks, sat there awkwardly not knowing what to say... then well, I went and addressed the elephant in the room...

P: "The police think your behind it all"

R: "Yeah I figured, I'm the only one without a clear Alibi at this point"

P: "I don't think there going to accept that some asshole in a hoody at the behest of a 10 foot tall faceless man in a suit killed 7 people, and kidnapped my family"

R: "That doesn't leave me with allot of options then, I'm probably going to have to go into hiding or some shit..."

P: "There's a difference between suspecting, and being charged for it though."

R: "Yeah I know, but... Well shit Paul, I don't have a chance of them not pegging it on me, who the fuck else could if have been in there eyes?! They won't blame you because you had the shit pounded out of you once, and your family is missing."

Ryan is right, he's there only suspect right now, everyone else they suspected has been found dead so far... But one brain worm of a question remained, I had to ask it to get it off my chest, it was the reason for the public meetup rather than at my place....

P: "Ryan... where were you when the shit went down... You never made it over till pretty late that day...."

Ryan didn't give me an answer......


  1. Ahhh, I feel so loved, you are aware of those that have their will circumvented then don't remember it aren't you? Anyway don't distrust him too much, after all he is your only other form of human contact face to face you have left who is also aware.

  2. 01001000 01101111 01101111 01100100 01111001March 9, 2012 at 9:03 AM

    Do not worry, Ryan will be out of the picture soon....

  3. Wow binary very imaginative, are you suppose to be new at this, and you should for something better than Hoody. My god Proxies these days.

  4. 01001000 01101111 01101111 01100100 01111001March 9, 2012 at 9:12 AM

    I use title branded to me, I can't be held accountable if Paul has no imagination.

  5. 01001000 01101111 01101111 01100100 01111001March 9, 2012 at 9:12 AM

    Do not trust.... there are more of us here than you can imagine.....

  6. Fucks sake, some asshole finally let you borrow the library computer? get bent!!

  7. yes we all know how far reaching the many tentacles of the slender Man are, but really using binary is so below the level of respectable proxies, so I call you out as a coward and worthless proxy.

  8. 01001000 01101111 01101111 01100100 01111001March 9, 2012 at 9:35 AM


  9. Oh Base 64 haven't seen that one for awhile :P, stop trolling and give the guy his family back your not gunna kill them and we know it.

  10. Christ, I'm to tired for this shit right now....

  11. Uh... Manic, I don't think that's hoody.... Hoody is outside of my apartment complex right now.... I just spotted him out there.

  12. What you never heard of slender walking, it's clearly him in all his 1's and 0's, give him the middle finger that's what I'd do.
