Things are pretty fucked on my end, I've found myself, after work today, just sitting, alone in the apartment, staring at the walls....
I've been this way for hours.....
If I had to peg it down to one thing, I'd say it was my coworkers....
All the dead coworkers have been replaced already, it's like the people they replaced were never murdered, even the police seem to not care anymore, they haven't been by the building to gather testimony, or talk to some of our other coworkers... Hell the police haven't even questioned me again about the my familie's disappearance since... Well a few days back, I plan on calling my in-laws this week to see if they have heard anything about it.
It's snowing... It almost never knows in March here, probably won't stick to the ground, but it's not like I need to be anywhere in the morning, how can I be so calm right now? I learned via a cryptic comment that there may be a second proxy in the area. Assuming it was Ryan who left the comment....
So I'm left alone, isolated, ripe for the slaughter... all they need to do is knock on the door, I have no comrades here, even Nick is gone, suddenly deployed out of state... no reason given,
No runners....
No friends.....
No help.....
No god damn hope...
I have to press forward, I have to live to see them again... My wife.... My son.... I have to live to see them again....
I'll sleep with the bokken, in two days I'll pick up the gun, in a week.... I might still be here...
If they come, they will not find me wanting... I *Must* live... to see my family again....
Dude you know if you need help I can offer it, even from a hospital bed, don't give up, don't give up on your humanity yet, as it is a slippery slope hard to climb again.
I'll be okay, like I said if they come for me, they won't find me to be an easy target.... I thought I saw hoody across the street again, I didn't go after him this time... There closing in...
Deleteset traps, or at least some tripwire that alerts you, oh and make sure you have an exit ready. Good luck.