Man this kid cracks me up sometimes....
I decided that the kid is going to need some serious combat training after a couple days ago when I woke her help by flipping her bed screaming "ATTACK ME DAMMIT" at the top of my lungs....
And she freaked out and flailed at me about as well as I expected a 15 year old too... which is to say... yeah this kid needs to learn allot, like from the ground up...
When we were not on the road, I've been training her to fight, Just a few things at the time... Starting at the basics, how to throw a punch, she picked up that quickly, at least I don't have to worry her about breaking her thumbs now, though I don't think she's getting behind the part where I started having punching into sandbags to harder up her knuckles quite yet. She's getting good at evading attacks as well. That is unless I stop pulling my speed and toss a full speed punch at her to keep her alert... I know I'm being hard on her, but she *will* die if I don't toughen her up...
I also started teaching her the bare basics of Akido and Kendo, which I'm more or less instructor level in both. for now, she's mostly working on foot movements, and forward rolling in Akido, and as for Kendo, I'm teaching her basic Kata's right now, and the 8 basic swings. Were both using Shinai's, also known as those Bamboo swords you see in anime, great for training, because they don't hurt, we don't have armor, but hell I didn't study with armor either, and pain is a great way to teaching someone to dodge or parry.
Meditation and breathing exercises are also going well, she's understanding quickly the importance of keeping calm and your allowing yourself to clear her head during training, to basically not over think it..
She calls it "channeling her inner airhead" Hey whatever works... Whiles we drive, she reads blogs, absorbs information about the threat were fleeing from, learning everything she can, EverymanHybrid, the Tutorial, learning about the big names, Elaine, Zeke, Dr Cairo, Noah...
Hell she's even learning from Gargoyle and Sane's blogs.... and with all due respect, there fucking crazy nuts... in a good way.
But she also read my blog... she had quite a few questions about me after that... She asked a few questions I really wasan't ready to answer yet.
A:Does your family know what's going on?
P:No it's for the best there not part of this.
A:So was Ryan really your brother?
P:Yeah the Slenderman confirmed that truth.
A:Do you blame yourself for all those deaths that Ryan caused
P: ....... No comment.......
A:Do you blame your self for Maya and Antonio
P:Change the subject.........
A:It wasn't your fault Pa-
I didn't handle it well obviously......
Right now were both on the roof of the Hotel were staying at, our stuff is in the car, the sky is clear, and were barely need the blankets here, She's meditating under the moonlight, and to be honest, she actually is starting to look the part of the runner, her bruises are mostly gone, and she now has a short sword of her own, I leaning against a wall, typing this out on a blue-tooth keyboard I managed to get a hold of for the Tablet.
Would I be alive right now if I didn't have her to protect? That's the one question I didn't have a problem answering...
"No Anna... I don't believe I would be"
"Well Batman, I guess I better not pull a Tim Drake on you then"
"Didn't they retcon his death?"
"You can't retcon real life Paul"
"No.. no you can't......"
Paul it wasn't your fault, they made their own choices, and you need to respect that, you didn't force them to do anything so it can't be your fault. If you properly want to talk about it you could email me, or I could teleport over to talk, man to man?
There dead right? There dead because I went to Pittsburgh, there dead because I went to wage a god damn war against Ryan...
DeleteTheir dead because 'they' choose to follow you, they had the choice not to go, but they didn't, Manic gave them the chance to leave they didn't, He gave you the choice of not going for revenge you went. These are choices that were made by people, and they weren't forced on anyone, you treat them like they followed you unquestionably, no they followed you out of free will, because you were their friend, like Manic made his choices himself, to put yourself at the center of blame is pointless.