Friday, February 3, 2012

My feelings about "The Tutorial"

Okay so as a I posted last night, I finished reading The Tutorial, which thanks to FC who commented on one of my past posts, I now know has a picked up on a different blog.

So the whole thing left me fatigued, I mean I read books, and watch web-comics, but, I honestly felt concern as time went on for M, I mean Zeke was a cop, he could take care of himself, but M as far as I could tell was a self-made homeless man because of his experiences. In other words I felt tired afterwards out of concern for the person, not character, person involved in the blog.

 Reading what he wrote left me to believe that M is a deeply emotionally scarred individual, in as such as he strongly felt he couldn't ever be near other people for two long, even towards the end when he was at the place of a deaf college student named Bondie, for once in his life at some semblance of peace that I just knew in my heart of hearts wouldn't last.

I've put both squeals to the blogs I touched on in a sort of "To read" list, for right now, I'm going to read Make It Count next, to have some kind of continuity for the blogs.  I've gathered that so I can really keep following Zeke's story to it's hopefully non tragic end, I should really read Dreams in Darkness first, but if I'm understanding it correctly is going to be an incredibly dark story. I feel I need to put that one off for now, or just watch the cliff-notes from ComplieTruth again.

I'll say this though if I was to ever become a runner, and I'm not saying I ever will because I don't believe Slenderman is real, I would follow the three rules he laid out, although I'm not much for heights.

My son's bugging me to pay attention to him, I'll post more again soon.

1 comment:

  1. Hey if your not satisfied by the ending of dreams in darkness check out deja vu dreamer ( good luck, we know you'll need it
